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Joe Brown’s Band

My friend Joe needs help. He has a band and they have no name. So, if you are creative and have an idea POST IT HERE! I am sure he would love your help. Here are some pics I did of them for some promo stuff.





They are really great guys so lets help them out!

mcarstens: i'm thinking of names, but first i think we need to know what genre of music they play. How about JB and the Regulators! Kidding, I suck at this kind of thing. Just wanted to send you some blog love:)

joelsmom78: My vote is for Uterian Cloud - it's origin's will remain a mystery except to you ;)

Keri: Mac Driver. :-) I was looking at my Mac computer and the screwdriver right next to it. Ok, I am not good at names, but I LOVE the pics!!!

Andrea: Hmm, I'm not sure how good I am at this type of thing, but here goes nothing!

-Four Somebody
-Mr. Nice Guys
-Cruise control

Ya- see- told you I am no good!

Christina: I was thinking that too. What kind of music is it? I don't know if this is legal, but my favorite band is Rush so I will go with "Fly by Nite"

amy enderle & kim wade: hmmm . . . how about Brown?

or Brown Joe?